DR. keith hamaimbo
The young looking Hamaimbo but already in his fourties has an interesting family background. The fact that his mother stems from Luapula, his father from the South and his father‘s mother, a strong Tumbuka woman from the East makes him refuse to see himself defined by the very Tonga sounding surname.
This name is one that he carries with pride too. Being a hobby musician with his latest single done in 2021 featuring the great Mumba Yachi, it is right that Hamaimbo means exactly that which he loves doing; making music. Back to his family „combination“ which clearly reflects the pride that any Zambian should have, that of „One Zambia One Nation“.
He remembers when the grandmother from Samfya would visit Choma where Keith was
born and the other grandmother who originates from eastern province would come from monze for a visit too. It was always an interesting scene to see them using deep bemba and deep Tumbuka to communicate with each other. Each one sticking to their language but communicating with so much respect and affection towards each other. Though among the two, the grandmother from eastern province was on the interesting side because if she spoke Tonga, you would never think she has anything to do with Tumbukas – and if you hear her speak tumbuka with her sisters, you would doubt if this is the same lady who was speaking that deep Tonga. As for Keith, he vividly remembers how he first learnt to speak Bemba – and then came Tonga. So it was not supprising when you hear him speak Bemba to the father and the father answers in Tonga
This was the real one Zambia one nation incarnated in a family. For this , Hamaimbo looks at the founding fathers and mothers as a source of inspiration and guidance in these times when this concept of unity and love seems to be under threat.
Hamaimbo started his primary school at Swani in Choma. Only in grade five did he move to Livingstone after the death of his father and continued his primary education at Dambwa primary school. It was in Livingstone where he came in contact with the lovely Lozi culture and language. But most importantly, this was where he discovered his love for education especially after moving to the prestiguis St. Raphaels secondary school. After finishing his secondary school, he decided to join religious life under the Catholic priestly congration of the divine word missionaries (SVD). This eight years journey saw him study Philosophy and Theology with stations in Kabwe, Ghana and Germany. He did his Masters in Theology at the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule in Sankt Augustin where he was one of the student representatives. It was at this institute where he was awarded the DAAD prize as the best foreign Student in 2007 In recognition of his achievements in his studies and social activities. In 2008 decided to part with his religious formation after realising that he can better contribute to society in another capacity as a lay person. In the same year he enrolled at the University of Bonn for his PhD Studies in Pastoral Theology. It was during this time that he was employed as a scientific assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at his former college in Sankt Augustin. His financial burdens as a Student where eased after getting a scholarship in 2010 from the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung which sponsored him until finishing his Studies in 2014.
His interest und expertis in the development landscape where put into practice through his work as a consultant for development policy education BTE- (Ein Welt Netz NRW e.V), a job part time engagement that he still excercises as a freelance speaker and trainer. In This capacity, he has given seminars and talks in all German States. He completed his doctoral Studies with a Thesis that was published as a book under Echter Verlag with a titel: Who am I?The Enneagram in the pastoral care. In this study, he showed how important it is to use the psychology of personalities in different areas especially when working with young people who are still in the stage of discovering their identity. Although he studied theology, Hamaimbo has continualy worked with the civil society. His first full time work was with Welthaus Bielefeld, an NGO that among others deals with issues of global and political education sensitisation. It was with this organisation that he produced his first dokumentary film (Ich gehe immer leise – ein Film über Alltagsrassismus – or i always walk quietely – a film about everyday racism) that is been used in some schools and organisations in Germany and Austria. He also wrote a book called Errungenschaften Afrikas – die andere Seite einer Realität (African Achievements – the other side of a reality).
Along with this book he produced an educational bag that is being used in schools, Museums and other institutions in Germany, Austria and Luxenburg. With these educational materials, Hamaimbo is trying to change the narrative of an Africa that allegedly did not contribute to world history. With a lot of great examples, this has proven the contrary. For him, this is the information that should also be taught in African schools so that students can be empowered to look at their cognitiv potentials without feeling inferior as a black person.
Currently, Hamaimbo is working with the City of Bonn in the department of manucipal integrativ centre (Communales Integrationszentrum) as a management employee.