
Simon Mwanza

I must also make mention that I have been a leader for the young people in the Catholic Church at different levels. I served as a secretary for 3 years at my local church, later on I was appointed as the Treasurer General at District level (Ndola). A year later I was elected as the Treasurer General for all the Catholic Youths in Copperbelt  (Provincial) and as a representative at the Zambia Council for Catholic Youths (ZCCY) at National Level.

My background will be of extremely helpful or of benefit to the Zambia/Germany Association

failure is not an option

My name is Simon Mwanza born in 1990 in Ndola, Zambia, completed my Secondary School in 2008 at Masala High School in Ndola.

Later on I went to Study Accounts (ZICA) at NIEC School of Business in Ndola in 2012. Two years later I graduated as a Technician Accountant (Diploma in Accounts certificate) in 2014.

In 2016 I had an opportunity to come to Germany (Westerwald in Rotenhain Caritas) and worked as a volunteer in a workshop for disabled people for a year.

I am currently in my second year doing a vocational training (Kaufmann für Büromanagement).

As young people it is our responsibility to take the future of our country into our hands and to strive to be better than those before us, therefore Failure is not an option. We stand at a point in time where opportinutities are endless and the sky is the limit, the ownuss is up to us to decide how the future will be. and I think that the Zambia German Association (ZGA) should work to that aim.