Emmanuel Likulunga

Biological Scientist

I was born in Sichili, Sesheke district In a community that lacked a lot of things that most take for granted. Walking to school barefooted in the scorching sun made me realize that life is more complete when we share smiles or share stories with friends

I attained my Bachelor of Science in the School of Natural Sciences at University of Zambia and my I am currently a PhD student at Georg – August University, Germany. I am also a lecturer at the University of Zambia in the Department of Biological Sciences. I have great interest in Plant Ecophysiology, Fungi and Forest Ecology. My masters thesis was conducted under the Department of Forest Botany and Tree Physiology and was titled “Performance of Populus nigra progenies under Common Garden Conditions” where I performed tasks such as photosynthesis measurements, chlorophyll pigment extraction, growth measurements (height and diameter) and above ground biomass for my thesis. Furthermore, I carried out soil sampling and analysis

"life is more complete when we share smiles or share stories with friends"

In my free time I love to play football which has always brought me joy so therefor, I  decided to establish a group called SEPO community football club with the help of a friend of mine with the aim of spreading love beyond football . The name SEPO means hope, this exactly defines us because we wish to rekindle hope in our generation and future generations while playing football